Our pricing is as simple as it gets:

You only pay for the prospects we actively connect with through our cold email outreach. No confusing or hidden fees.


Pay Per Prospect

(per unique prospect)
  • Fresh, up to date prospects
  • Multi channel outreach
  • Unlimited follow up emails
  • Weekly performance reports
  • Post campaign newsletter

Frequently asked questions and answers

Quite the opposite actually! A study in 2023 concluded that 80% of byers preferred to be contacted by email, and 71% of byers are open to receiving emails when they’re looking for new solutions.

The effectiveness of a campaign is heavily dependent on factors such as industry, company sizes, job titles, locations, and various other elements. However, one guarantee we can provide is that we will continue testing and optimizing until your preferred quantity is achieved.

If our target prospect is genuinely in need of your product/service and holds the decision-making authority within their company to implement it, the question is, why wouldn’t they respond?

Certainly, you have the flexibility to modify your targeting at any time. We only require a couple of days to gather the updated data.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is an EU law governing data protection and privacy within the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It extends to regulating the transfer of personal data beyond these areas. The primary goal of GDPR is to empower individuals with greater control and rights over their personal data, streamlining the regulatory environment for global businesses. It applies to enterprises, irrespective of their location, processing personal information of individuals within the EEA, regardless of the data subjects’ citizenship or residence.

Due to the nature of Prospecto’s outreach and campaigns, which are strictly B2B, highly-targeted, and highly relevant, they are naturally GDPR compliant. As we conduct B2B outreach only, PECR allows email marketing, provided it is relevant, and has the option for the recipient to opt-out. GDPR always applies and also pertains to the collection and storage of data. We take great care operationally to ensure that data is collected and stored properly. We also conduct an in-depth assessment of a client’s product, service, or offering to ensure that when paired with our outreach, all GDPR and PECR guidelines are met. A crucial part of this assessment is the Legitimate Interest Assessment (LIA). This is essentially a short  series of questions we ask in our onboarding process to determine 3 main points.


  1. Identifying a key interest of both you and the prospects. It’s important that we’re delivering relevant emails to prospects that have a reason to be interested in your service, product, or offering. This can include commercial interest, personal interest, or broader societal interest. Things like increasing revenue are common.


  1. Show that the data processing is necessary to achieve it. For Prospecto’s outreach, we believe this is necessary to deliver the most efficient, safe, and successful outreach.


  1. Balance it against the prospect’s personal freedoms, expectations, and rights. Would the prospect expect to be contacted in this way? Would an individual with a public Linkedin profile and job role expect to be messaged about a product or service that could benefit them or their business?


If we determine that your planned campaign/outreach would not meet these criteria for LIA within the scope of GDPR, we cannot support the activity subject to GDPR guidelines.

Certainly, as long as the messaging is pertinent, focused, and there’s a reasonable assumption that the prospect might be interested in the offered product or service. Additionally, a crucial aspect of maintaining GDPR compliance in our outreach involves responsible data processing. Prospecto ensures that prospect data is shared only to the extent absolutely necessary.

Prospecto is your trusted partner in optimizing operations, driving innovation, and ensuring sustained success in a rapidly changing business landscape.