Cold Email Personalisation: How The Pros Do It

Imagine walking into your favorite local café, and the barista greets you by name with a warm smile. Without having to ask, they prepare your usual coffee order, remembering exactly how you like it—an extra shot of espresso, no sugar, with a splash of almond milk. This level of personal attention makes you feel valued and unique as a customer. It not only fosters a sense of trust and appreciation but also increases the likelihood that you’ll return to this café repeatedly, and even recommend it to your friends. This personalization demonstrates an understanding of your preferences and behavior, making the service feel more tailored and special. The same psychological factors at play in this scenario also apply to cold email outreach.

What is Cold Email Personalisation?

Cold email personalisation involves adding personal elements to your emails tailored to your prospects. This can range from using their first name, last name, company, position, and industry to mentioning something they posted about or targeting a pain point as a pre-phase before an offer.

Statistical Benefits

Personalizing cold emails significantly boosts campaign success, from open rates to lead rates. It also helps avoid spam filters, as varied content in your emails reduces the chance of being flagged as junk. Here are some statistics showing the difference that thoughtfully personalized emails make:

Statistical Benefits

  • Personalized email content can boost response rates by 32.7%12.
  • Emails containing 1-3 questions are 50% more likely to receive replies3.

Open Rates

  • Personalizing the subject lines of emails can improve open rates by up to 26%4.
  • Email subject lines that include the recipient’s first name can increase open rates by 16%5.

Body Content Personalization

  • Emails with personalized message bodies can increase click-through rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10%6.
  • In-depth personalized content within email bodies increases engagement rates by 22%7.

Impact of Specific Interest Points

  • Referencing specific interest points or pain points of the recipient can lead to an increase in response rates by 20%8.

ROI on Personalization Efforts

  • Companies that personalize experiences see a 20% increase in sales9.
  • Segmented and personalized email campaigns have an 18% higher chance of driving revenue for businesses10.

Impact on Meeting Requests

  • Personalized emails are 2.5 times more likely to lead to a meeting being scheduled than generic emails11.

Decrease in Open Rates Without Personalization

  • Emails without any level of personalization see a decrease in open rates by approximately 17%12.

Use of Dynamic Content

  • Dynamic content tailored to the recipient improves the chances of positive replies by 24%13.

Consistency Across Multiple Channels

  • Consistent personalized messaging across email and other channels (e.g., social media, SMS) results in a 15% higher client retention rate14.

Effectiveness of Drip Campaigns

  • Drip email campaigns that use tailored customer data and personalization see response rates of approximately 37%15.

Why It Works

Email personalization works due to several psychological and practical factors that resonate with the recipient on a deeper level, making the communication more relevant and engaging. When customers feel recognized and valued, they are more likely to react positively, resulting in increased loyalty, engagement, and advocacy3 4 6 .

How To Do It

There are many ways to personalize a cold email to make it more effective. Beyond including the recipient’s first name and company name, which are now basic expectations, you can stand out by mentioning relevant pain points. This shows you’ve done your homework and genuinely understand their challenges. Additionally, personalizing the timing of your call-to-action, such as suggesting specific days or time frames for a meeting, can make your email more engaging and relevant8 10 .

What To Personalize

Simply using the prospect’s first name or company name while keeping the rest of the content generic can trigger spam filters and fail to grab the recipient’s attention. On the other hand, overloading your emails with too many variables can make you sound robotic and might scare off the recipient. You don’t need to spend hours researching each prospect, but simple touches can make a big difference. Mentioning where you found your prospect (like LinkedIn), noting an upcoming event they have, or referencing similar brands you’ve helped can boost your response rates and start conversations with potential clients. Highlighting specific pain points is also a great way to stand out, especially for agencies targeting businesses that would benefit from their services1 6 7 .a “Dear sir/madam” email? Me neither! Using absolutely no personalization in your emails likely means that you are sending the exact same message to hundreds if not thousands of prospects, which gives you a one-way ticket to the spam folder.


Failure to personalize can lead to decreased open rates, poor engagement, and ultimately, missed opportunities. Prospects can easily spot generic emails and are less likely to take action if they feel the message is not relevant to them. Therefore, incorporating personalization is essential in crafting successful email campaigns and building meaningful relationships with potential clients.


In conclusion, cold email personalization isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a must-have. By understanding the basic principles and leveraging advanced personalization strategies, you can significantly improve your email outreach effectiveness. From boosting open rates to ensuring your emails don’t end up in the dreaded spam folder, personalization is a powerful tool for any marketer’s arsenal.

Remember, the goal of personalization is not to deceive but to create a genuine connection with your prospects. A little effort in personalizing your outreach can go a long way in fostering trust, creating engagement, and ultimately driving success.

Key Takeaways

  • Personalization is critical in making your emails stand out and driving engagement.
  • Simple personal touches, like using the recipient’s name and acknowledging specific pain points, can significantly improve response rates.
  • Over-personalization can feel robotic; find a balanced approach.
  • Consistent personalization across multiple channels can increase client retention rates.
  • Neglecting personalization can lead to decreased open rates and poor campaign performance.
  • By implementing these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of cold email personalization, just like the pros.


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